Monthly Meeting: Debunking Creationism & ACES Awards


Our January Monthly meeting pulled no punches when it came to debunking Creationism.  Through all of the speaker presentations one thing became clear, creationism is a problem that we need to continue to challenge it.  We heard from our President Jim G. Helton on the creationists claims and how their movement is impacting our society.

Why do we care about creationism?

Brian Taft spoke about the evidence for evolution and the claims of the so-called “creation scientists”.

Evolution vs Creationism

Trey Tatum and Bridget Leak brought the house down with a shortened version of their play: Ken Ham’s Journey To The Center of the Earth: Trey Tatum (, local playwright and creator of Ken Ham’s Journey to the Center of the Earth, and his wife and director of the play, Bridget Leak (  It truly was a delight and we are hoping to set up a showing of their play for our members.

Ken Ham’s Journey to the Center of the Earth

View our calendar to see what’s coming up next!


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