Tri-State Freethinkers Protest KKK Recruitment Rally


On September 24, 2016, the Tri-State Freethinkers protested a recruitment rally for Confederate White Knights branch of the Ku Klux Klan in Madison, Indiana.   A member alerted us to the planned rally.  The KKK made claims that the rally was to bring attention to the local drug problems in the area.   Other community groups also protested the KKK presence.

From our press release:

“Our first priority has always been to defend equal rights and the separation of church and state.  The KKK is nothing more than a Christian hate group. Their racist remarks and historical acts of violence are protected by the guise of religious freedom. They are a shining example of what can happen when the bible is read, cover to cover, and its words taken literally.  Our country gives the KKK the rights of free speech and assembly, but those same rights allow us to call out their hateful bigotry and discrimination. They would have us return to a time in this country when the law segregated people who were different from them. Religion is quite possibly the most divisive tool humanity has ever created. It prescribes a set of unquestionable rules that tell you what to do, what to eat, what to wear, who to love, and to hate those who are different from you. As humanists, we believe all people should be treated equally, regardless of race, sex, gender identity, or economic status. Religion has always been and remains the greatest obstacle to equality.” said Jim G. Helton, President and Co-Founder of Tri-State Freethinkers.

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